

From planning and research
to document creation and editing.
Our editors will help fulfill your media needs.

Instruction Manuals

We edit and produce instruction manuals (owner's manuals) for a wide range of products. We create manuals based on the product information we gather and documents provided by manufacturers. We utilize CAD data and photographs to create illustrations used in the explanations. We also translate the manuals into the local languages of the countries where the products are sold. Since each country has its own laws and regulations as well as writing conventions, we use specialized tools to review the translations. The contents of instruction manuals are increasingly being used in a wide range of ways (such as on the Web, in apps, and in AI) allowing for the possibility of new products and services to be developed. Our departments work together to provide digital document solutions to fit your business needs.

Repair Manuals

Repair manuals are used by automobile mechanics to repair and maintain vehicles. They describe how to quickly find faulty parts and work safely in an easy-to-understand manner using text and illustrations. First, we obtain materials from automobile manufacturers, then borrow test vehicles before they are released and disassemble them to collect information. Due to the high level of automotive knowledge and skills required, 90% of our editors are qualified automobile mechanics. We have adopted Ji Koutei Kanketsu (Self-Process Completion) activities and have won high praise from our clients for our high quality standards. We have established an editorial team that can create materials for a wide variety of vehicle types, from luxury cars to commercial trucks.

Public Relations Media

We give shape to our customers' PR messages. We handle a range of different formats, including corporate brochures, school brochures, newsletters, bulletins, and monthly magazines. In every case, we plan the editorial content to suit the objectives and target audience of the publication. We consider what information should be communicated and how it can be effectively expressed in order to deliver the customer’s intended message to the reader. In addition to print media, we also provide solutions for digital content such as websites and videos. We help our customers to achieve their goals by creating media that resonates with their readers.

Information Magazines

We also provide editorial support for information magazines published by our customers. Our editorial directors propose plans and contents in line with the publication objectives. We assign writers and photographers to conduct research and take photos, and check the resulting text and photos before submitting them to the designers. We adjust the layout of each page and thoroughly proofread together with the customer before we finalize the publication. It is also essential to ask the proofreader to ensure that the information is correct. We also edit advertisements for information magazines, and we propose and produce a magazine layout that will be effective for advertisers.

Books/Commemorative Histories

Our editors will assist you with self-publishing, from setting the theme to providing advice on writing. We also compile company histories and commemorative magazines published to mark anniversaries. Any of these publications can take a year or more to complete, so we manage the long-term schedule and move the project forward in close collaboration with the customer. First, we will listen to your requests and produce every step of the process: planning/editing, research/document creation, photography/videography, design/typesetting, and printing/bookbinding.